Back in time : Tiparillo sau cand fumatul este sexy

 Cum sa supravietuiesti pe o piata dominata de Marlboro si al lor ultra masculin Marlboro Man si Winston cu a lor alianta cu familia Flintstones?

Raspunul vine de la Pinkerton Tobacco Company, o firma din Owensboro, Kentucky, detinuta acum de  General Cigar Company.

In data de 3 iulie 1961, compania inregistreaza marca Tiparillo. Este vorba de tigari de foi , in format subtire si dotate la capat cu un capat din plastic. Brandul se adresa atat barbatilor cat si femeilor alegand calea sexy a advertisingului. Sub sloganul "Should a gentleman offer a lady a Tiparillo?", alaturat unor reclame senzuale, brandul a reusit sa intre in istoria retailului.

Raspunsul la fel de sexy a venit de la brandul Tipalet, dar despre asta intr-un articol viitor.

Va lasam sa va bucurati ochii cu o serie de reclame vintage.

After a tough evening with the Beethoven crowd, she loves to relax and listen to her folk-rock records. Preferably, on your stereo. She’s open-minded. So maybe tonight you offer her a Tiparillo. She might like it–the slim cigar with a white tip. Elegant. And, you dog, you’ve got both kinds on hand, Tiparillo Regular and new Tiparillo M with menthol–her choice of mild smoke or cold smoke. Well? Should you offer? After all, if she likes the offer, she might start to play. No strings attached.

- Tiparillo